Central Department of Physics

Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

About Us

Welcome to Central Department of Physics

Physics is a natural science based on theory, experiments, measurements and analysis with the purpose of searching  physical laws. 1965 A.D. was the year when Masters of Science (M.Sc.) in physics with only Nuclear physics as specialization was introduced in Tribhuvan University (TU) in the premises of Tri Chandra College. The department of physics was headed by Professor Phanindra Prasad Lohani, the first Nepalese M.Sc. (Physics) degree holder. The department was shifted to Tribhuvan University college at Kirtipur in a beautifully designed small block in Nepalese style. The intake capacity of students enrollment was only thirteen in the beginning. Most of the Nepalese faculty members were contributing initially as part time professors together with a few professors from India, UK and USA. During the past four and half decades some 1400 students graduated from the Central Department of Physics (CDP).

 In addition to the regular programmee at Master s level the CDP has also awarded more than 10 Ph.D. in one or the other fields of Physics such as Astrophysics, Atmospheric Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Plasma Physics and Solid State Physics. At present 120 students are enrolled per academic year at M.Sc. programmee on the basis of merit list of the entrance test conducted by our department. Several M.Sc. graduates avail opportunity to get training for research methodology in terms of dissertation or project work for partial fulfillment of M.Sc. degree. Such research works are kept open to any field of physics within the regulation of IOST, TU and academic facilities available in the country. Collaborative research at both M.Sc. and Ph.D. may also be carried out as per the requirement to complete the proposed research problems.

Contact Address:

Central Department of Physics

Tribhuvan University

Kirtipur, 44613,

Kathmandu, Nepal

email: head@cdp.tu.edu.np.