Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal is seeking one qualified postdoctoral researcher for the University Grants Commission (UGC) awarded Collaborative Research Project entitled Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Topological Insulators for Energy Efficient Devices.
Recognizing that postdoctoral fellowship is a strong supporting system for promoting research culture in universities and that the universities in Nepal are yet to introduce it, a limited number of postdoctoral fellowships are introduced to promote the culture of postdoctoral fellowship in the HEIs. Initially, the postdoctoral position and fellowship are provided for technical and laboratory-based research among the projects funded by the UGC Collaborative research grant. Research projects in the HEIs funded by sources other than the UGC can also be considered for this support. The Alternative scheme of Appointment and Promotion based on Academic Excellence introduced by Tribhuvan University under the HERP will also be encouraged to link with this postdoctoral fellowship program. The UGC postdoctoral fellowship is for up to two years. (Information Credit: UGC Guidelines)
The Postdoctoral position is for working in the Collaborative research project funded by the UGC on the basis of the need of the project. Therefore, selection and recommendation by the project team are the major requirements. Other criteria include:
(Information Credit: UGC Guidelines)
Details about the application process can be found on the UGC Guidelines.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Madhav Prasad Ghimire
Associate Professor