Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
The Central Department of Physics (CDP) has been offering M.Sc. (Physics) program since last 50 years. About 3,500 graduates have passed out from our department. Most of the physics graduate are working in the colleges. About 1,000 graduates are doing physics in abroad (mostly in USA), mostly in the Universities and research centers. The CDP offers 7 elective majors for 120 students. These are Solid State Physics, Astrophysics, Plasma Physics, Bio-medical Physics, Gravitation & Cosmology, Atmospheric Physics and Micro and Opto-electronics. In addition, all M.Sc. (Physics) program as well as B.Sc. (Physics) program of Tribhuvan University is academically regulated by the Physics Subject Committee. The HoD of our department is the chairperson of subject committee as well as member of the faculty board, IoST, TU. The curriculum and evaluation mode is governed by the physics subject committee. There are 6 TU constituent colleges (Mahendra Morang Campus, Biratnagar; Bharatpur Multiple Campus, Chitwan; Amrit College, Kathmandu; Patan Multiple College, Lalitpur; Prithivi Narayan Campus, Pokhara & Siddhanath Science Campus, Mahendra Nagar) and 2 TU affiliated colleges (St. Xaviers College, Kathmandu & Golden Gate International College, Kathmandu) in the nation where M.Sc. (Physics) program is running. All together, about 700 students are enrolled in the first semester in the year 2072. Distribution of enrolled students at CDP during last 53 years is shown in the figure (below). The total number of enrolled students at CDP is 2953. There were no enrollment in the year BS 2037, 2046 and 2048 because of public movements named ‘Janmat Sanghra’ and ‘Democracy’.